LBC Radio Interview Pure Reputation Agency Director
Pure Reputation is an online reputation management agency based in London. Our team of selected individuals specialises in all aspects of personal and corporate online protection and crisis management. For years, we have been one of the most respected online reputation management companies in the UK. Our Director, Simon Leigh, has recently been interviewed on LBC giving advice on the personal online reputation of Jeremy Corbyn, as well as that of the Labour party.
Corbyn has recently faced criticism over his anti-establishment wave and left-wing 2017 rebrand in a recent Guardian article. He is planning to relaunch himself in the coming year as a left-wing populist. Leigh, who has a background in both marketing and psychology, was asked by Andrew Castle to give an appraisal of Corbyn in terms of projecting the correct image for a company or organisation in a media dominated age.
Leigh stated; ‘‘At the stage where he is as Labour leader, he should be thinking about putting out positive content, rather the controversial content’’. He also went on to comment; ‘‘Having a unified image, and not a confused one is important, as if he has a confused image people won't understand him and people won't relate to him.'’
Castle then asked; ‘‘What would be the first question you would ask him if you were trying to polish up the image of the man?’’ He replied; ‘’I would see what good things he does, what positive things we have to leverage. It is very important to figure out what we have to work with and build a strategy based on that’’.
Castle continued by asking; ‘’Are Labour and Corbyn tarnished brands? Is it time for crisis management?' Leigh replied, ‘’Yes, they should be doing it (reputation management) right now if they are going to push for 2017, it is important to get your house in order and your team in place to tackle anything that might come around'.
Pure Reputation’s prominence in London for Reputation Management is illustrated by the LBC Radio interest. In addition, the founder and Director of Pure Reputation is regarded within the industry as highly influential, which is labelled the ‘go-to agency’ for other agencies who need content removed on behalf of their own clients. Pure Reputation is one of the longest established Online Reputation Management companies in the world, and the first to directly remove negative content and bad reviews on third-party websites.
If you have negative content about online then contact the experts at Pure Reputation for free impartial advice. No need for expensive lawyers or lengthly legal battles, we solve the problem at the root by removing the negative content from Google, and many times, the website itself. ure Reputation can also remove negative reviews about company including deleting bad Yahoo Answers and removing bad Google Reviews. Our technology also allows us to safely manipulate Google Suggest results, and remove negative Google Suggestions about you.